Monday, July 03, 2006

Moving from Potty Chair to Adult Toilet

Many parents are concerned about using a potty chair to potty train their child because they're worried that the transition to the adult toilet will be too hard for the child. There isn't a need to fear because it doesn't have to be hard and it can be a smooth transition.

One very important thing to know is that you shouldn't rush the transition. Start with just having the child use the adult toilet every once in awhile. If you have several bathrooms in your home, only have a potty chair in one of the bathrooms and make it the bathroom that your child doesn't bathe in. When it's time for a bath have your child go on the adult toilet before getting into the tub.

If your child has fears, be sure to talk about them. Try turning your child backwards on the toilet or get down to his level and hold him.

Be sure to help teach your child learn how to climb up onto the toilet and how to hold on. Give lots of encouragement and praise to the child for even trying even if he doesn't actually leave a token the toilet.

Potty Training Charts

All children are different some are very motivated by meeting goals and getting rewards and others aren't. But for those children that are motivated by goals and rewards using charts and stickers is a perfect way to help the potty training process move along.

To use a chart to help with potty training give your child a sticker for each time there is a successful trip to the bathroom. To help keep your child motivated you can also have small prizes for each time the chart is full of stickers. You can also have a larger prize for when potty training is complete. offers free potty training charts and stickers to print and use. Please visit the site today to get your free printouts.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Potty Training Targets

Make potty training fun with "Toilet Time Targets". These little targets work really well for boys but will also work for little girls too.

Toilet targets are a fun and a positive way to train children how to use the toilet. Put a potty target in your toilet with the "Aim" to sink the animal!

Potty or toilet targets are a great way to motivate children during potty training. You can also use cheerios because they float well.

This method of potty training works because it's fun and keeps them focused on the task at hand. This is also a great way to teach boys better "aim" which means less clean up for mom!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Accidents Happen

One of the most important things a parent needs to remember when they start potty training is that accidents happen! It can become very frustrating when potty training accidents occur but try to remember that without these accidents you wouldn't have the chance to teach and help your child understand what to do.

Be sure to reassure your child that it's ok and to try harder next time. Don't let your child see you get frustrated or upset with the accidents because it can slow the potty training process. Children can really pick up on the frustration and it can make them fear upsetting you to the point that they start to hold it until they can't any longer.

Make potty training a fun and enjoyable stage in your childs life.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Dr. Phil's Potty Training Method

On a recent television broadcast the popular Dr Phil suggests that parents buy and use an anatomically correct potty doll that wets itself in order to help teach the child to go potty.

What you need to begin:
A potty training doll that wets
A potty chair
Toddler Underwear (Not pull-ups, diapers or padded underwear)
Lots of liquids for your child and the doll to drink

The Dr. Phil Potty Training Method:

Step 1: Teach a Doll That Wets
Your child will learn by teaching the doll how to go potty. Have your child name the doll and give it something to drink. Then walk the doll to the potty chair with your child.
Pull the doll's "big kid" underwear down and watch the doll go potty together.

Step 2: Throw the Doll a Potty Party!
When the doll successfully goes potty, throw a potty party! Make it a big blowout with party hats, horns and celebrate. Give lots of attention to the doll so that your child understands that going potty is a good thing.

Let your child know that when he/she goes potty, they will have a potty party too. Not only that, your child gets to call their favorite superhero to tell them what they just did!

Step 3: Get Rid of the Diapers
At the beginning of the process you placed "big kid" underwear on your child's doll. Now it's time to take away the diapers and put "big kid" underwear on your child.

Step 4: Drink Lots of Fluids
Give your child plenty of fluids to drink. The sooner he/she has to go potty, the sooner you can begin potty training.

Step 5: Ten Trips to Potty When Accident
Ask your child if he/she needs to go potty. Your child might say no and that's OK. Because you've given your child plenty of fluids, he/she will soon need to go. If your child has an accident in their underwear, don't scold him/her. You want this to be a positive experience.

Take your child to the potty, pull his/her underwear down, and have your child sit down. Do this nine times. This builds muscle memory and your child will eventually go.

Step 6: Let the Celebration Begin!
When your child successfully goes potty, throw him/her a potty party. Most importantly, your child can now call his/her favorite superhero and tell the hero about what they just did! Enlist the help of a friend or relative to play the hero and take the phone call.

When your child has an accident, simply take him/her to the bathroom nine times in a row as you did before. This will continue to build his/her muscle memory. And don't forget to keep up the positive reinforcement.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

It's nearly the end of the day but I still wanted to take a moment and wish all the Dads out there a Happy Father's Day. Being a father isn't always easy but one day your children will grow up and will tell you happy they are that you're their dad.

My own dad has always been someone that I've been very grateful for and have a huge amount of respect for. My dad has always allowed me to express my feelings to him. He would let me "argue" with him during my teenage years as he wanted me to feel that I could speak my mind and debate things with him. My dad has a great mind and has always been a hard worker and I'm grateful to him for that.

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

To my husband and father of my children - THANK YOU. You bear such a huge burden and responsiblity on your shoulders to provide for us. I don't say it nearly enough but I truly appreciate all that you do for us. You're a great dad and husband and I feel blessed to have you in my life.

Happy Father's Day Sweetie!

Friday, June 09, 2006



Thanks for stopping by. I'm a mother of 6 wonderful children. I love being a mother and each stage of my children's lives is exciting and I enjoy going through it with them.

I've started this blog to share things I've learned during potty training my children and while helping other parents potty train their little ones. I will also share funny stories as I think we should all get a good laugh every now and then.

Potty training can be frustrating but it doesn't have to be. I hope this blog will help through any frustration you may be experiencing while potty training your child.

Happy Training